Tea is more than just refreshment; it is the ideal remedy to heartbreak, a perfect excuse to sit with a loved one and have a hearty chat, and for some of us, the most vital reason to open our eyes in the morning. In addition, a cup of tea can stave off many ailments and […]
View Full Article - 5 Wonderful Benefits of Turmeric Tea You Didn’t Know
Mental health is something we all deal with at some point in life. Whether it’s stress, anxiety, depression, or just feeling overwhelmed, it’s real—and it matters. The good news? God cares about our mental and emotional well-being just as much as our spiritual health. The Bible isn’t just a book of rules; it’s filled with […]
View Full Article - Healing Through Faith: Addressing Mental Health with Biblical Wisdom
Policies and debates about contraception, abortion access and the ability of individuals to make their own reproductive decisions have consistently been central for many reproductive rights and justice scholars and activists. These topics have also mobilized individuals to take political action. Social workers have often been at the forefront of mobilizing for social justice issues, […]
View Full Article - The Need for a Reproductive Justice Framework in Social Work
By Jennifer Thomas A victim of domestic violence chooses to stay in an abusive situation because they do not want to leave their companion animal behind to be harmed. A veteran experiencing homelessness is forced to surrender their service dog because there are no pet friendly shelters. An older adult can’t stay to receive treatment […]
View Full Article - The Intersection of Social Work and Animal Welfare
In recent years, the population of homeless people grew for the fourth year in a row, and a single night count in January of that year revealed 580,000 people experiencing homelessness. But while the homelessness crisis is widely acknowledged, a problem that is less recognized is how (and why) LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately represented among […]
View Full Article - The Causes, Risks, and Solutions for LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness
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Ambivalenz soll nicht psychologisch, sondern soziologisch verstanden werden als Unbestimmtheit der beiden Werte durch ihre unentscheidbare Beziehung zueinander.
Lebensführung verweist auf das Umgehenkönnen mit Ambivalenz, also mit der Unentscheidbarkeit, wie wirklich die Wirklichkeit ist, und welche Möglichkeiten potentiell verfügbar sind.
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